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Release 2021 R2 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Published: 2021-07-07 Exploring a Server History: 1. Click the arrow to the left of the appropriate server line to expand the history of actions that happened on that server. The history of modifications to the corresponding server are displayed along with information regarding the type of action (EDIT, REHOST, etc.), the actor that made the action and the timestamp. 2. Click the arrow to the left of the history entry to further expand the details of the selected action. The details of the selected action are displayed along with information on the entitlements that have been modified during that action. 3. Click on the Download History icon to download a CSV file containing the complete server history for the active or inactive servers. The CSV file is downloaded to the download folder specified in your browser preferences. The server history can be analyzed locally by opening the CSV file within Microsoft Excel. Adding a License File Introduction: This document describes the steps required to add a new license using the Ansys License Management Center. The Ansys License Management Center is a browser-based user interface that centralizes many of the Ansys licensing administrative functions. Important: When adding a license file, the Add a License File option in the Ansys License Management Center validates the new license file for the system, attempts to correct issues that it recognizes, and ensures port number consistency. For this reason, you must use the