
Modeling real fibers: Everything you need to know about Rocky DEM flexible fiber model

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W H I T E P A P E R 4 Each proportionality factor (stiffness, K ) is computed based on material properties (Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio) and geometrical properties (such as cross-sectional area and moments of inertia). Figure 5. Forces and moments for the linear elastic model, where F n is the normal force, F τ is the tangential force, M ben is the bending moment, M tor is the torsional moment, s n rel is the normal deformation, s τ rel is the tangential deformation, θ ben is the angular bending deformation, θ tor is the angular torsional deformation, K n is the normal stiffness, K τ is the tangential stiffness, K ben is the bending stiffness and K tor is the torsional stiffness. The linear elastic + viscous damping model In order to dissipate oscillations, it is possible to add viscous damping forces (normal viscous damping force, F n v and tangential viscous damping force, F τ v ) and moments (bending damping moment, M b υ en and torsional viscous damping moment, M τ υ or ) to the elastic ones. For this model, the damping terms are proportional to the relative linear velocities (normal velocity, v n rel and tangential velocity v τ rel ) and relative angular velocities (bending angular velocity, ω ben and torsional angular velocity ω tor ). When using this model, forces and moments are modeled as the sum of two parts: an elastic one and a damping one, as shown in Figure 6. Figure 6. Viscous damping forces and moments for the viscous damping model, where F n v is the normal viscous damping force, F τ v is the tangential viscous damping force, M b υ en is the bending damping moment, M τ υ or is the torsional viscous damping moment, v n rel is the normal velocity, v τ rel is the tangential velocity, ω ben is the bending angular velocity and ω tor is the torsional angular velocity.

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