
Modeling real fibers: Everything you need to know about Rocky DEM flexible fiber model

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W H I T E P A P E R 12 Video 12: pet hair vacuum cleaner study using flexible fibers to model the hair strands and 1-way coupling with Ansys Fluent. If you want more details, you can access the full case study here. References [1] Guo, Y., C., W., Curtis, J. S., and Xu, D. (2018). A bonded sphero-cylinder model for the discrete element simulation of elastic-plastic fibers. Chemical Engineering Science, 175:118–129 [2] N. Marheineke, R. Wegener, Modeling and validation of a stochastic drag for fibers in turbulent flows, Berichte des Fraunhofer ITWM, Nr. 172, 2009 [3] A. Bortoletto, L. Almeida, Using Rocky DEM to Understand Fouling of Heat Exchangers, Ansys Innovation Conference - Minneapolis, Sep 17, 2019 [4] L. Almeida, R. Bharadwaj, K. Leung, CFD-DEM coupled simulation of hair flow inside a cyclone device, Ansys Innovation Conference - Minneapolis, Oct 02, 2018 © ESSS - All rights reserved.

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